Holy Ramzan: Perform Taraweeh and Tahazzud


Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :The rozadars have to offer 20 rakats additional night prayer along with the regular Isha prayer in this month. It is Taraweeh. The Holy Quran reveals : “They are proper Muslims who pass their nights in sizda and qiam (in Salat) towards their Lord.” Taraweeh and Tahazzud are these night prayers. Rasulullah (Sm) said, “Allah has made the fasting obligatory and offering Taraweeh prayer is sunnat.” After Iftar and Maghrib prayer it is preferably performed in congregation. The rozadars hasten to mosques after a short rest, to offer Taraweeh collectively in zamat. Taraweeh prayer is performed in two formats. They are Surah Taraweeh and Khatam Taraweeh.In many mosques in Bangladesh arrangement of Khatme Quran in this prayer is made. It is called Khatam Taraweeh. The Imams in the Khatam Taraweeh are compulsorily Hafiz. They conduct Taraweeh prayer with continuous recitation from the Holy Quran. Recitation of verses from the Holy Quran is of special importance and significance as it is the month of Revelation of the Holy Quran. The mosques of the cities all over Bangladesh take a festive look in the nights as thousands of musallies of different ages hasten to the mosques for Taraweeh congregation. The Khatam Tarraweeh is completed preferably till Shab-e-Qadar. If anyone is unable to join the zamat of Taraweeh, he can offer this prayer at home. However in some mosques, Sura Taraweeh is performed. The women normally perform Taraweeh at home. Rasulullah (Sm) said, “Those who perform Taraweeh and Tahazzud prayer in the month of Ramzan with the hope of virtues, will be forgiven of their sins. ” (Bukhari Sharif, Muslim Sharif). Taraweeh prayer also contributes to physical fitness and emotional well-being. Those who perform Salat-Farz, Wajib, Sunnat and Nafal, including Taraweeh and Tahazzud prayer throughout life acquire positive effect in terms of health. Taraweeh helps in expending the extra calories and relieve anxiety and depression.So, spiritually and physically Taraweeh prayer should be a cherished one to the believers.
