People will not remain helpless against price hike and TCB thieves


Today’s life of the ordinary people is reportedly full of sorrows and wailing due to scarcity and poverty. As a result, the common people, especially the working class, are on the losing end of the stick. There are allegations of unscrupulous traders, public representatives and officials who benefit from people’s despair.
According to a news report published in The New Nation on Thursday, irregularities even in sale of goods from the state-run TCB trucks were found in some places in the capital city on Wednesday. It was alleged that the local influential quarters control TCB trucks. Relatives and supporters of local councillors and leaders were seen to take TCB goods breaking the queues forcefully. On the contrary, many people were seen returning empty-handed even after standing in long queues for hours, as the supply was less than the demand. As the law enforcement agencies were not there, indiscipline reigned.
Meanwhile, prices of daily essentials have skyrocketed so much that it has become difficult for middle and lower classes to maintain their families. Besides, expenses of their children’s education have gone up. In this situation, everyday thousands of people are queuing in front of TCB trucks only to save some money if they could buy TCB goods. Even the number of new faces comes to buy the TCB products daily because of the high price of essentials in the kitchen markets. Around 170 truckloads of TCB goods are delivered in different places of Dhaka city everyday.
According to the market price analysts, the government should bring the market fire under control first in the interest of the ordinary people. To them, it is important to take development activities and people-friendly measures for the overall protection and livelihood of people of different professions. We are now going through a difficult time in the battle of life. Many have become unemployed. The Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) needs to play a stronger role in protecting the rights of consumers. Otherwise, the question of how much the CAB can save consumers rights comes up as a big question.
The latest report of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) also said that the present crisis here because of the pandemic over the last two years is expected to escalate further. Thus, the government’s supervision agencies need to be more proactive in this regard. Action must have to be taken against the sellers, dealers, millers and other concerned if an exorbitant price is taken from customers other than the government-fixed price list.  
