People urged to avoid gatherings during Eid to stop coronavirus transmission

BSS, Dhaka :
Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Wednesday urged all to avoid gatherings and follow health guidelines during the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha to contain coronavirus transmission.
“Everyone has to work as a conscious fighter to prevent the spread of coronavirus during the upcoming Eid,” he told a virtual press conference from his official residence here.
Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, said all should avoid gatherings in interest of them and their families.
By maintaining social distancing, wearing masks and following health guidelines, he said, safety zones have to be created at all places, including cattle markets, bus and launch terminals, train stations, ferry ghats, shopping malls and kitchen markets.
The AL General Secretary said: “We have to remain alert so that the joyous journey of Eid with family members does not turn into a sad voyage. Temporary indifference can take us from the chirping noise of life to the silent unfamiliar world.”
“Let us be conscious more (about the virus) to protect ourselves. All efforts would fall flat if we do not follow the health guidelines,” he added.
Quader said a section of dishonest people are cheating commoners over the coronavirus crisis – Covid-19 samples testing, issuing Covid-19 certificates and plasma donation – and the government has taken a strong stance against all these scams and irregularities.
He said such deception is nothing but a ruthless trade over the helplessness of people.
Some people are moving freely hiding their Covid-19 symptoms and infections, while some others are going abroad with Covid-19 negative certificates and being identified as positive at airports, the road transport minister said.
Calling upon people to take treatment from isolation once they are found with Covid-19 symptoms, he said if they conceal the information of coronavirus, the country’s image and the fate of millions of expatriates will also turn into uncertainty.
Expressing gratitude to the frontline coronavirus fighters, including doctors, Quader said: “As you have set an example of sacrifice and morale amid the coronavirus crisis, the nation will remember you with respect.”
Terming the frontline fighters the real heroes, he said the Sheikh Hasina’s government remains beside them amid the crisis.
Seeking eternal peace of the departed soul of late AL presidium member Mahammed Nasim, Quader said the vacuum is created at his death is never to be filled up.
During the press conference today, he announced AL Presidium Member Amir Hossain Amu as the new spokesman and coordinator of the central 14-party alliance.
