People urged not to be misled by rumour over Padma Bridge


The government urged the people not to be misled by propaganda over the construction of Padma Bridge.
“A vested quarter is spreading propaganda on social media that a human head will be needed for the construction of the Padma Bridge. It is a motivated rumor. It is not true,” said an official handout here on Tuesday.
It said spreading such propaganda is a punishable offence as per the law.
According to the handout, construction of the Padma Bridge is progressing fast. A total of 292 piles out 294 have been set up while work of 30 piers of the main bridge among 42 has been done. A total of 14 spans have been installed so far.
About 81 percent work of the main bridge was done till June 30, 2019 while overall progress of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge project has reached to 71 percent.
