People throng at house of Language Martyr Abdul Zabber on Ekushey


Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Thousands people gathered on the Thursday night at the house of the Language Martyr Abdul Zabbar at Panchua (Zabbar Nagar) in Gafargaon on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day and `Shaheed Dibos”.
The house of Language Martyr Abdul Zabbar is 4 km away from upazila Sadar.People from different walks of life came to his house before 12pm. To the Central Shaheed Minar adjacent to the language martyr.After a midnight the local MP.Fahami Golandaz Babel placed wreaths at the Central Shaheed Minar to pay tribute the Shsheed.After that UNO Md.Rejaul Bari, Muktijuddah Sangsad, Press Club,Awami League,Jobo League, Chhattra League,Mukto Paira Khelagar Asar, including government,non-government institutes, political parties, schools, colleges, cultural organizations and people belonging all starta of life waking barefooted placed wreath at the Central Shaheed Minar.
 In the morning at the village of Language Shaheed Zabbar nagar people from different areas at Upazila came to there barefooted .About hundred educational institutes , social and cultural organizations,thousands of students and teachers were present and placed wreath flowers at the Central Shsheed Minar.At the premises of language Martyr Abdul Zabbar Memorial Library and Museum .Upazila Administration paid homage to the Shaheed martyr and arranged discussion meeting and Cultural function.The local MP.Fahami Golandaz Babel was the chief guest in this function and UNO Md.Rejaul Bari presided over the function.After that the artists of Mukta Paira Khelagar Asar,Shikder Sangeet Academy, Gafargaon Theatre,Upazila Shilpokola Academy performed music and dance.
