People of coastal belt still remember frightening memories of cyclone ‘Gorki’

Barisal Correspondent :
November 12 is the day of the worst natural disaster in our history which caused deaths of more than half million people along the coastal belt of the then East Pakistan in the year of 1970.
It also influenced our political history. It had been called locally as ‘Gorki” and also influenced the changing of political history of this region by defeating West Pakistan based political parties in the general election.
 After 44 years still the frightening memories of cyclone and tidal-bore hunts and stricken the people of the areas with fear.
 On that night gusty whirl wind with speed of more than 120 miles per hour and tidal bores with height of more than 20 feet than the normal water level almost washed away about two thousand square kilometers area of the southern and coastal region of present Bangladesh, told 60-year old Abdur Hakim of Bhola.
Thousands of peoples, domestic animals were killed, injured and became missing and trees, houses, different types of water transports were destroyed in that disaster, said Akkas Hossain, a Red Crescent organizer of the region.
Lack of awareness and precautionary systems, absence of political commitment and appropriate disaster management caused such a high tolls of lives and assets in that time, said Ahad Chowdhury Tuhin, a journalist of Bhola.
 Negligence and failure of the then West Pakistan based Pakistan central government sparked agitations among the people of East Pakistan leading to get sovereignty by separation from West Pakistan based central government, opined Advocate Talukdar Md. Yunus, AL lawmaker of Barisal.
It influenced the result of general election of 1970 by the defeat of West Pakistan based political parties, which ultimately led the political separation of the then East Pakistan from West Pakistan and emergence of the sovereign Bangladesh in 1971, Enayet Hossain Chowdhury, a veteran freedom fighter said.
Milad Mahfil, discussion meeting and different types of programs are arranged to observe the November 12 and they called to observe the day as a national disaster day along the coastal belt of the country.