People have no income let economists not discuss inequality of income

Although the government expects a significant improvement in income inequality during FY 2020-2021 amid sluggish economic activities, economists said the inequality would surge this fiscal due to the impact of coronavirus.
We do not need economists to tell that because of coronavirus our economy is getting worse. To be honest our economists are theorists with no touch with the reality. The like many educated people they are selfish.
Except lonely few, collectively our intellectuals are opportunity seekers. As long as they think the government has something to offer then they are with the government. For lack of proper guidance from our intellectuals most our movements started by young ones, especially the students, failed to materialise. They were used by political leaders for their own purpose. It is possible only in our country that the intellectuals regard the weak political leaders as all wise.
We must say this from frustration that our educated selfish ones are responsible for the miseries and misfortunes our people are bearing.
Let the intellectuals show some examples as to how they were useful to our people. How they guided the wrong going political leaders. They look for good jobs for themselves. The nation is fed up.
More than one hundred intellectuals lost their lives just before the country was freed from Pakistan army occupation 1971. We honour them as martyrs. What is sad is when thousands of unarmed people were butchered they did not feel any obligation to issue any mild protest just to say it was unnecessary to kill peaceful and unarmed people. We know that our people are treated as fools by most our educated people and treat them as such.
The outside world see us unfit as free a country to protect the basic right of vote, as if we have, no educated people worth having.
 Our appeal to our wise economists and intellectuals change your selfishness, improve your character to be of use to the people and the country. We need an honest and competent government. Let our educated ones say how honest and competent the government is for success anywhere.
The fear is that a lot of our people and their families are facing extreme poverty. They must be looked after. The food for the hungry must be ensured. The garment workers are badly treated. The buyers will be under pressuring not to buy garments if they are helped in this dire situation. The BBC has had a programme about their plight few days ago.