PCB Chairman Shaharyar Khan undergoes heart surgery in London


PTI, Karachi :

The chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Shaharyar Khan has undergone a successful heart surgery in London.
Sources told PTI that specialists carried out an operation to open the clogged arteries by using stents at the Royal Brompton hospital in London on Friday.
“He is in Intensive Care Unit but the process has been successful and doctors have said he can leave in a week’s time,” the source confirmed.
Speculations were rife about the health of Khan and there were strong rumours this could lead to his stepping down as the cricket chief in Pakistan.
“He is okay now and should be back in Pakistan later this month to take charge again. But he is abreast of all cricket matters even in London and gave his approval for the appointment of Wasim Bari as the new manager of the Pakistan team,” the source added.
Khan had complained of high blood pressure and breathing problems while attending the Asian Cricket Council meeting in Colombo recently where he was elected as the ACC President.
“He went to London again for examination and tests and now he has had a successful surgery,” the source said. “His entire family is with him in London and he is okay now.”
Khan, who is enjoying his second stint as the chairman of the board, is expected to also decide on whether Azhar Ali should be retained as captain of the ODI squad for the upcoming series against the West Indies in the UAE.
