Housewife rape: PBI recommends acquittal of cop

UNB, Jashore :
The Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) on Thursday pressed charges against a person over the rape a housewife in Sharsha upazila in 2019 recommending acquittal of Sub-Inspector Khairul Alam and two other accused.
PBI Inspector Monayem Hossain submitted a charge-sheet against Abdul Latif, an acquaintance of the victim.
According to the PBI, the proof of the presence of SI Khirul Alam and two other accused-Abdul Quader and Quamruzzaman alias Quamrul-on the spot during the incident was not found in investigation.
It said, DNA samples of the accused were tested but those did not match with that of the victim and only the DNA of Latif matched.
On January 22, PBI said their investigation did not find any involvement of accused SI Khairul Alam with the rape of the housewife.
It had also said one of the three arrestees confessed to his crime before the court.
The accused who confessed before the court was personally known to the victim, said PBI Additional Police Superintendent (ASP) MKH Jahangir Hossain.
On September 2, 2019, the woman, a mother of two, was allegedly raped by  
SI Khairul and police informer Quamruzzaman alias Quamrul in Laxmanpur area of Sharsha upazila.
The victim filed a case the following day accusing four people, including the SI.
On September 4, 2019, police arrested three people-Quamrul, Omar Ali and Abdul Latif-over the incident.