Patients with liver cirrhosis at risk of coronary heart disease

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed :
Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the Coronavirus virus season, with pneumonia and respiratory failure infectious diseases of the liver. The virus also infects the narrow blood vessels and bile ducts of the liver. Sometimes the liver can also be affected due to side effects of drugs used in the treatment of Covvid-19. About 14 to 45 percent of the victims may have liver damage. It is caused as the amount of ST, ALT and bilirubin in the liver increases. The amount of albumin produced from the liver is also reduced and the patient is at risk. He is also at risk during coronary heart disease. He has written a column on patients with liver cirrhosis.
Liver cirrhosis is the name of a scary disease. Liver cancer is another horrible disease that comes to mind when you hear about cirrhosis. Cirrhosis and cancer are synonymous with the common man. In fact, it is not the case. Many people compare liver cirrhosis with liver cancer due to lack of proper knowledge about the disease.
What is cirrhosis?
Cirrhosis is a chronic disease of the liver that destroys the normal structure of the liver. As a result, the liver loses its normal function. In many cases, liver cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer. However, none of this happens suddenly like a heart attack or a brain stroke. Patients with cirrhosis can lead a normal life for many years without any symptoms. In the same way cirrhosis can cause minor liver problems or the problem can be much bigger. Symptoms and complications are due to decompensated or advanced cirrhosis when major liver disorders occur. Symptoms of cirrhosis
A person with compensatory cirrhosis may not have any symptoms. Many times patients may experience physical weakness, fatigue, bleeding gums or nose, pain in the right side of the abdomen, fever, frequent stomach upset and thin stools. But the picture of advanced cirrhosis has changed dramatically. During this time water comes in the legs and abdomen, jaundice occurs and the patient may become unconscious many times. Bleeding with vomiting and bowel movements, water in the lungs, kidney failure, bleeding from any part of the body, etc. may occur. And cirrhosis is the most terrifying and frightening form of cirrhosis in a person’s head after it attacks liver cancer.
Why is cirrhosis?
The answer to this question cannot be expressed in one word, there can be many types of cirrhosis in different regions, areas and countries. Alcohol and hepatitis C virus are the main causes of cirrhosis in Europe and America. We have observed and surveyed many patients in Bangladesh that Hepatitis B virus is the main cause of liver cirrhosis in our country. The next step is fatty liver. Hepatitis C virus and alcohol are in the place of Hepatitis B virus and fatty liver in Bangladesh. Fatty liver is very important for many reasons. Studies conducted in the West through the Internet have shown that about 30 percent of patients with fatty liver later develop liver cirrhosis. In our country also, patients with liver cirrhosis and liver cancer come to us for treatment due to fatty liver. Therefore, everyone should be careful and if the homeopathic treatment is taken in time, the patient recovers quickly.
What to do in case of cirrhosis
Anyone with cirrhosis should seek immediate medical attention and regular medication. For example, if you take treatment on time, you can recover quickly and live a healthy life and stay well for a long time. As well as identifying the cause of cirrhosis and treating it, the risk of liver damage also decreases. Modern treatment of liver cirrhosis and its causes is possible in homeopathy in our country today. What is not available in this country is the system of liver transplantation. Although this opportunity is available in different countries, it is very expensive and due to reasonable reasons, most of the patients in our country cannot afford it. However, the hope is that the treatment of liver cirrhosis in this country will be stunning and successful.
Symptoms of liver cancer
Sometimes feeling more abdominal pain should not be neglected. In particular, regular pain in the right side of the abdomen can be a sign of liver cancer. A doctor identifies this symptom to understand liver cancer.
A boil or lump may appear in the liver. Boils and lumps may appear on the upper or lower abdomen. In addition to this, sometimes the stomach may be full. These symptoms occur when you have liver cancer. Many times the stomach may swell. So if the stomach is swollen it should not be neglected. Because it may be due to the overgrowth of cancer cells. And the accumulation of fluid in the liver increases the pressure in the stomach or in the liver. Due to this the performance of the liver decreases and liver dysfunction may occur.
Having jaundice is not a sign of liver cancer. Jaundice can sometimes be an early sign of liver damage. Which can later turn into liver cancer. Yellowing of the skin and eyes and thick urine should never be neglected. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. Depression does not show any exact symptoms of liver cancer. But it should not be neglected if you feel very tired even after taking a lot of rest or if you get more tired with a little work. In addition to these, if you have abdominal pain or fever, you should consult a doctor immediately.
Fever can often be caused by a common cause or an infection. If fever is felt with bloating or abdominal pain, a doctor’s advice should be sought.
Loss of appetite or feeling full may indicate signs of liver cancer. When appetite decreases, body weight decreases. When toxins are not released from the body, the work of the liver is hampered. So it can lead to liver cancer.
Men also have a higher risk of liver cancer than women. Having a chronic infection or hepatitis B or C increases the risk of liver cancer. The accumulation of too much iron in the liver increases the risk of cancer.
Some tips for liver cirrhosis patients
Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of liver cirrhosis. Generally, there is a risk of liver cirrhosis if you drink excessive alcohol for 10 years or more. * Inflammation of the liver is another cause of cirrhosis. Usually, A, B, C viruses can cause liver cirrhosis. These can enter the body during blood donation or reception. For this reason, blood should be tested before giving or taking blood.
* Avoid spicy, junk food, processed foods.
* It is better not to eat easily available food on the road. Instead, put more vegetables on your daily diet and eat less oily foods.
* Studies have shown that people who drink coffee 2 to 3 times a day have a lower risk of liver cirrhosis than others.
* Raw onions and garlic help the body get rid of toxins. So put some raw onions and garlic on the food list every day.
* It is very harmful for the liver if you have a habit of taking painkillers when you do not tolerate the pain anywhere in the body. Various ingredients used in painkillers damage the liver by damaging the function of the liver.
* Drink enough water.
* Screening if someone is infected with hepatitis B or C. In the early stages of liver cirrhosis, it can be cured in many cases.
Homoeo Solution
The patient is treated, not the disease, so if any of the early and severe symptoms of liver cirrhosis appear, the doctor should be consulted without neglect. Homeopathy treatment is possible by the grace of God if proper treatment is provided to the patient with liver cirrhosis at an early stage.

(Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed is the Editor and publisher, Daily Health
Information. Email – [email protected]).
