Passengers’ suffering mount as Pabna-Dhaka bus strike continues

Our Correspondent :
Dhaka bound passengers are facing immense sufferings due to ongoing transport strike. Pabna district bus owners and the labourers have failed to reach any decision to withdraw the strike even after four days.
On the other hand, leaders of Pabna district transport owners-labourers Oikkya Parishad jointly organised a press conference at Pabna Press Club at the fourth day of the strike on Sunday noon where they demanded to accept the six-point demand.
They warned to cancel movement of all sort of motor-vehicles in the Northern region if the demand is not realised within 72-hour.
Habibur Rahman, Convener of Pabna district transport owners-labourers Oikkya Parishad and President of Motor Owners Group of Pabna in the press conference said, bus owners and labourers of Shazadpur of Sirajganj district often assault the bus and the coach drivers of Pabna without any offence.
Bus owners and labourers of Pabna protested such incidents of assault over their drivers and sought the end of such incidents to the concerned authorities but got no result.
Demanding an uninterrupted movement of vehicles through the National highway, stoppage of extortion by the bus owners and labourers of Shahzadpur and end of torture on all transport workers of Pabna and to solve all problems of transport owners and labourers including the six-point demand, he said movement of all sort of transports in entire Northern region of the country will be stopped if their demands are not realised within next 72-hour.
Feroz Khan, former President of Pabna district Motor Shramik Union informed, they held several meetings but the labourers of Shahjahadpur were obstinate and refused to accept their demands.
As a result, movement of all Dhaka bound buses from Pabna will remain suspended until the issue is resolved.
It is learnt, in protest against the assault of transport labourers of Pabna and putting a barrier in the movement of vehicles through Shahzadpur, movement all Dhaka bound buses from Pabna was suspended for an indefinite period from last Thursday night. The sudden stoppage of bus services from Pabna brought misery for a huge number of passengers.
Kabir Mahmud, Deputy Commissioner, Pabna informed owners and labourers of Sirajganj and Pabna themselves are trying to resolve the dispute through discussion. If they fail, the Administration will start to resolve the crisis.