Parveen Mahmud, Chairman of Shasha Denims Limited, poses for a photograph after signing a MoU with EOS Textiles Limited (a sister concern of Italian Company Berto E G Industrial Textiles located at Dhaka EPZ held at a hotel in the city on Saturday. Giuseppe Berto, Managing Director of EOS Textiles Ltd, Shams Mahmud, Managing Director, NKA Mobin FCA, Zareen Mahmud FCA, Nishat Naharin Hamid and Aftabur Rahman Jafree, , Directors of the Denim Company were also present.

Parveen Mahmud, Chairman of Shasha Denims Limited, poses for a photograph after signing a MoU with EOS Textiles Limited (a sister concern of Italian Company Berto E G Industrial Textiles located at Dhaka EPZ held at a hotel in the city on Saturday. Giusep
Parveen Mahmud, Chairman of Shasha Denims Limited, poses for a photograph after signing a MoU with EOS Textiles Limited (a sister concern of Italian Company Berto E G Industrial Textiles located at Dhaka EPZ held at a hotel in the city on Saturday. Giusep

