Pakistani cricketer dies after being hit in the chest


In a tragic incident, Zeeshan Mohammed, 18, passed away after being struck in the chest by the ball while batting in a club match on Sunday (January 26) in Orangi Town, near Karachi.
He was taken to Orangi Town General Hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead on arrival. Doctors confirmed that Zeeshan had died from a heart seizure after being hit.
“He was brought to the hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival,” said a hospital spokesperson. “We have been told he was hit in the chest by a fast bowler while batting and collapsed on the pitch.”
An officer at the local police station said no case had been lodged as there was no foul play involved. The incident comes just a few months after Phillip Hughes died in a hospital after being hit on the head by a bouncer during a Sheffield Shield match.
Last week, Daniel Hughes, another Australian cricketer, was left unconscious briefly after being hit in his neck during a grade match in Sydney but, fortunately, the injury wasn’t a serious one.
