Pak troops killed people on Subhan’s signal: PW


A new witness in the trial of Mawlana Abdus Subhan on Sunday submitted his deposition, accusing the incumbent nayeb-e-ameer of Jamaat for signaling Pakistani troops for killing one Somujuddin during Liberation War.
Momtaj Uddin Montu, 66, inhabitants of village Dogachi under Pabna sadar police station, testified against Subhan as 15th prosecution witness (PW) at the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-2.
Montu in his deposition said the members of Pakistani occupation army entered Pabna on April 11, 1971, and from that day Subhan started organizing people against the War of Liberation in Pabna.
“He used to make lists of people that supported Awami League or War of Liberation. Subhan also made list of Hindu-dominated areas in Pabna and gave those lists to his Paksitani masters. He became the secretary of Pabna district unit of Peace Committee in the first week of May, 1971,” the witness said.
“On May 11, 1971, Pakistani troops raided village Kulonia with the help of Subhan. He was guiding the army all along the operation. The army shot and killed one Somujuddin following the signal of Subhan. They also killed Somujuddin’s neighbor Amin Uddin at the same place. They then went to the house of Khoda Boksh and killed some people including Wajuddin,” Montu added. The witness said Pakistani army with the help of Subhan carried out atrocities also in the neighboring village Dogachi on that very day.
“We saw the horrific scene in that village after the killers had left. We found total 6 bodies inside a mosque. The whole mosque was flooded with blood. We also found a woman’s body beside the mosque, who was killed in the indiscriminate firing of the troops,” Montu said in his deposition.
After his deposition, advocate Mizanul Islam, counsel for Subhan asked him a question to conclude the deposition officially. The ICT-2 then adjourned the hearing till tomorrow, leaving the cross-examination incomplete.
Subhan, 77, was indicted on December 31, 2013, on 9 counts of crimes against humanity by the ICT-1. On March 27, 2014, the ICT- 1 transferred the case to ICT-2 for quick disposal.
