Owners ask public transport workers to wear masks

Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Road Transport Owners Association (BRTOA) has asked its members to ensure the use of face masks among transport staff members in public transports to curb the Covid-19 transmission.
In a letter issued on November 11, the association said the coronavirus situation is yet to be normal in the country. Moreover, there is a risk of further rise in Covid-19 cases in the winter season.
The prime minister called upon the people of Bangladesh to use face masks and a circular was issued by the Cabinet Division making the use of masks mandatory in all government and private offices, the letter said.
That is why the owners’ association issued the letter making use of masks mandatory for transport workers.
This will apply to all buses – local and highway – in the country, BRTOA General Secretary Khandaker Enayet Ullah told the media on Saturday.
There are around 1 lakh buses plying on the roads with an approximated 50-60 thousand bus owners in the country.
Earlier, the Cabinet Division sent a letter to all secretaries and senior secretaries of ministries and divisions, along with divisional and district commissioners, and upazila nirbahi officers to ensure use of masks in the public offices.
The Religious Affairs Ministry also issued a notice on November 8 directing people of all faiths to wear masks while visiting places of worship, including mosques, temples, and churches across the country.