Upazila electioneerings: Over 64 pc vote centers in two upazilas of Barisal vulnerable


Barisal Correspondent :
 More than 64 percent of total 139 vote centers in Gournadi and Bakerganj upazilas of Barisal district marked as vulnerable.
Md. Dulal Talukdar, District Election Officer and returning officers of the elections said elections in these two upazilas scheduled to be held on February 19.
In the mean time 45 vote centers with 276 polling booths for 1, 25, 286 voters of Gournadi and 94 vote centers with 647 polling booth for 2, 13, 968 voters of Bakerganj upazila have been selected and prepared for casting votes, the RO told.
However Barisal district election office and police superintendent office said they marked 89 out of 139 vote centers in those two upazilas as vulnerable.
Out of those 89 vulnerable vote centers, 55 marked as highly risk-prone, EC and police sources said.
All of 45 vote centers Gournadi upazila marked as vulnerable including 28 as risk-prone and 17 as highly risk-prone.
In Bakerganj upazila 50 out of 94 centers were marked as normal, 6 as vulnerable and 38 as highly risk-prone, the EC and police sources told.
Considering infrastructural conditions of the vote centers, communication facilities, geographical, political and law and order situation, those centers were marked as risk-prone according to the confidential reports of law enforcing agencies, police sources said.
Special security arrangements including deploying of increasing number of forces, striking forces, mobile teams, raids to arrest miscreants and terrorists would be taken to conduct free fair peaceful polls in risk-prone vote centers as like as normal centers, district police superintendent AKM Ehsan Ullah told.
Returning officer said list of vulnerable vote centers already sent to concerned upazila nirbahi officers for taking necessary actions.
