Our products; our pride: Barrister Shehrin

The biennial election (2021-23) of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is scheduled to be held on 4 April. Candidates of the two panels -- Sammilita Parishad and Forum - have begun campaigning after the voter list was finalised on Mar 4. A total of 70 candidates from the panels are vying for the posts of 35 directors of the BGMEA. The New Nation yesterday interviewed Barrister Shehrin Salam Oishee, who is contesting in the BGMEA election from the Sammilita Parishad panel. Shehrin, the daughter of former BGMEA president Abdul Salam Murshey, shared her views and vision on upcoming polls and garment industry during the interview.

The biennial election (2021-23) of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is scheduled to be held on 4 April. Candidates of the two panels -- Sammilita Parishad and Forum - have begun campaigning after the voter list was fi
The biennial election (2021-23) of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is scheduled to be held on 4 April. Candidates of the two panels -- Sammilita Parishad and Forum - have begun campaigning after the voter list was fi

Question: You are contesting BGMEA Election as a young and second-generation entrepreneur. What will be your focus as a leader for the sector?
Answer: As a second generation entrepreneur, I have the knowledge gained through my father’s ardent experience, over the decades. Mr Abdus Salam Murshedy is one of the leading pioneers of the RMG industry. I learnt through his experience and I believe I can provide more input from where I started from. Many new comers in the industry might not be equipped with the same power in hand.
Besides, I do come with a strong legal background. I am a Barrister with masters from University of Derby (UK) in Commercial Law and from Dhaka University in Criminology and Criminal Justice. More than just being from the RMG sector, I would rather want to be that addition to the BGMEA team, fully equipped with a legal standpoint at any time.
This shall help me function in dual roles and help provide better legal solutions to any problems that the RMG sector shall display over the coming days. All the regulatory problems in the RMG industry, namely customs and bond, and in case of foreign arbitration, I shall work on ways in easing the problems.
Question: What would be the priorities of your panel (Sammilita Parishad) if elected?
Answer: If the BGMEA members vote for us (Sammilita Parishad), we will focus on product and market diversification to help the sector recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. We will also work together on adopting the latest technology, research and innovation to diversify products. Besides, our panel will also work closely with the government and the EU to retain duty-free market access in the region till 2031 after the LDC graduation.
Question: What are the key challenges for RMG sector, right now?
Answer: The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic poses a great threat to the country’s RMG sector. The industry has already lost market share due to the fall in global demands. Export earnings from the clothing sector came down to $27 billion in the 2019-20 fiscal year from $34 billion in FY2018-19 due to the adverse impact of the pandemic. So, regaining the market share and sustain exports are the main challenge for the sector.
Question: What do you want to rebuild the image of the country’s RMG sector?
Answer: Bangladesh’s RMG industry faced serious image crisis after the Rana Plaza and Tazreen Fashions incidents. We had to work hard to regain the industry’s image afresh. By this time, the whole industry has gone through a drastic reform in line with buyers’ prescription.
Even, Bangladesh now has a large number of Leed Certified Green factories. I proudly showcase our own venture Envoy Textiles Ltd. as one. The total number of LEED certified factory in Bangladesh is 144 (Platinim-41, Gold-87, Silver-14, Certified-2). 500 local garment factories have been waiting to be certified by the USGBC soon. World’s Top 13 Green Garments Factory, Textile & Washing Plant is located in Bangladesh. All these developments helped restore image of the local RMG sector.
Besides, a major part of rebuilding the image shall be about branding the products Bangladesh makes. ‘Made in Bangladesh’ is not just a tag line for us; it is our pride. I wish to do this through representing Bangladesh in various International Forums as part of the BGMEA team.
