Movement for Justice launched: Our govt to be chosen by our vote: Mainul Hosein


Staff Reporter :
Movement for Justice, a new political platform, was launched on Wednesday with an aim to forge national unity to end the politics of division and vengeance.
The launching programme was held at the Jatiya Press Club followed by a discussion meeting.
Sanaul Haque Niru, a former Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal leader, came up with the announcement of the new platform as its Chief Coordinator.
Stating their platform’s 12 goals, Niru said they want to bring a qualitative change in the country’s politics. “We want to practise positive, democratic and healthy politics.”
He said they want to get involved with Dr Kamal Hossain-led Jatiya Oikya Front to bring a qualitative change in politics.
Dr Kamal Hossain was scheduled to address the launching programme as the Chief Guest, but he could not join it due to his illness.
At the meeting, Barrister Mainul Hosein posed the question: If we cannot elect our government who will? and asserted that our government will be chosen by our vote in a free and fair election.
“Your Movement for Justice is the principal struggle through which the civilisation progressed. The young children who demonstrated in the streets in protest against killing of two of their fellow students by reckless bus driving also demanded justice meaning Jungle law is not justice.”
 “Our Liberation War as to free ourselves for securing justice under democracy. This part of the liberation has not been achieved this long. It is a betrayal that our Liberation War for democracy has to continue,” added Barrister Mainul.
He said the demand of National Unity movement concerns voting right of everybody and we want everybody to join the movement. Ours is not a party movement but a national unity movement for the of liberating captive election so that everybody is free to vote freely in a free election. “We cannot accept and also unbelievable that our police or official public officials should be oppressive on their own people. A free country should of free from fear of the government, yet we have no security life or liberty.”
Barrister Mainul Hosein mentioned in particular the Digital Security Act passed recently despite opposition from all quarters to deprive of security of constitutional rights of freedom of speech and the media. The truth we must utter is not truth unless the government agrees. Police has been given full freedom to arrest any on mere suspicion. Even under worst autocracies of the past no such black law was introduced.
Speaking at the programme, Gonoshasthya Kendra Founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury said he recently gave wrong information about the Army Chief as his choice of word was wrong. “Did I commit treachery with it? I also admitted my fault immediately.”
He said the state now cannot see the real problem as it has now become sick and got affected with cataract.
Zafrullah said there is no alternative to uniting people to get rid of the country’s current situation. “We’ve formed Jatiya Oikya Front led by Dr Kamal Hossain. Please join us if you want a peaceful and democratic Bangladesh.”
The pro-BNP intellectual said a fair and credible election will bring welfare for all, including the ruling party. “If I remain with this unity process, Sheikh Hasina will not be sent to jail if she loses the election.”
Dhaka University Law Department Professor Dr. Asif Nazrul said, there is no justice, no rule of law in Bangladesh. Only the ruling party members and supporters will certify that country has justice.
“Government should be by the people, of the people and for the people. It can be achieved peacefully if the people are free to exercise their franchise. Freedom to vote independently is a must to achieve unity, discipline and gain people’s confidence on the government. Our main motto is people’s government and secure right to vote,” he added.
Jatiya Oikya Prokriya Member-Secretary ABM Mostafa Amin, Enamul Karim Shahid, Rita Rahman, Mohammad Reduan Hossain, Shahidullah Shahid, Asharaf Uddin Khan, Humayun Kabir and Majedul Haque Babu, among others, spoke at the programme.
