
Muktijuddher Chetona Bastobayan Parishad
A discussion on ‘Perception of November 7 and Present Political Situation in Bangladesh’ organised on the occasion of National Revolution and Solidarity Day by Muktijuddher Chetona Bastobayan Parishad was held in the Roundtable Auditorium of Dhaka Reporters Unity in the city’s Segunbagicha on Monday. In the programme the speakers said that Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) would not participate in the next parliament election without supportive government. The function was addressed, among others, by BNP Standing Committee Member and former minister Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, General Secretary of Jatiya Ganotantrik Party Khondkar Lutfar Rahman, Training Affairs Secretary of BNP ABM Mosharraf Hossain, President of Bogra District Jatiyatabadi Forum , Dhaka Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury, President of Zia Nagorik Forum Lion Miah Mohammad Anwar, former Joint Secretary of Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal, Central Committee VP Rafiqul Islam Masum and President of Shahbag thana Krishak Dal M Zahangir Alam. President of the parishad Mohammad Rabiul Hossain Rabi presided over the event. Former students’ leader Mohammad Ramij Uddin Rumi conducted the event.
Sramik Karmachari Peshajibi
Muktijoddha Samannay Parishad
A conference organised by Sramik Karmachari Peshajibi Muktijoddha Samannay Parishad was held in Madaripur. Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan was present at the programme held on the ninth instant as the chief guest. While speaking Shajahan said much-awaited Khulna-Kolkata direct train service would bring huge benefit in days to come. “The country’s relation with India won’t ease communication only between two neighbouring countries but will help expand the trade and commerce,” he added. Noting that Bangladesh is getting huge benefit in the water-way as about 350 water vessels, including 300 of local ships operate there, Shajahan said this has created job opportunities for many people in Bangladesh.
