
City Desk

International Committee of Red Cross
The President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer, will visit Niger and Nigeria from 12 to 16 October 2016, to highlight the dire humanitarian situation in the Lake Chad area. The conflict, spread across 4 countries, has taken a devastating toll on the population. Some 9.2 million people need aid, whether displaced or host communities. Lack of food is their main concern, since their livelihoods have been decimated by displacement and insecurity. Existing infrastructure in conflict-affected areas – including hospitals, schools and the water supply – is barely sufficient and millions of people are trapped in a daily struggle for survival. “Many millions of people in the Lake Chad region are living though a massive humanitarian disaster which has been chronically under addressed, under reported and under financed for years,” said Mr Maurer. During his trip, Mr Maurer will visit different field locations and meet people who have been affected by the conflict, including the displaced and wounded. He will also meet senior officials in the two countries, says a press release.
MH Samorita Medical College

GD Assist Limited – a subsidiary of Green Delta Insurance Company Limited recently organised a health talk for the doctors and students of MH Samorita Medical College & Hospital recently. The session titled “Health Talk on Weight Loss Surgery” was conducted by Dr Andrea Ooi Se En, Consultant Bariatric and Medical Surgeon, Clinical Assistant Prof, University Abdul Rahman Malaysia. The event is part of GD Assist Ltd.’s continuous effort in creating health awareness and promote healthy lifestyle among people. It may also be mentioned here that GD Assist Limited regularly organises such health talks and medical consultations in Bangladesh as part of its knowledge sharing initiatives between medical professionals of Bangladesh and Malaysia. Farzana Chowdhury ACII (UK), Chartered Insurer, Managing Director and CEO, Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. and Syed Moinuddin Ahmed, CEO, GD Assist Limited were also present at the event, says a press release.


British Council

A delegation of British Council led by its Deputy Director Jim Scarth yesterday called on Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid at the ministry office here. During the meeting, the delegation informed the minister about their initiatives in developing secondary education particularly on providing training to the teachers and programmes for developing English literature in Bangladesh, said a press release. They also discussed about the formation of a “taskforce” between two the countries for extensive cooperation of the British government in the development of higher education in Bangladesh. The minister thanked the British Government and the British Council for their cordial assistance in education sector in Bangladesh, the release added.
