
Hindu Bouddha Christian
Adibashi Party

President of Hindu Bouddha Christian Adibashi Party Mithun Chowdhury recently in a statement termed Ulema League as an upstart organisation. He alleged this organisation ruining the image of Bangladesh Awami League. The activists of Ulema League might be involved in vandalizing idols in different places in the country including Chittagong, he added. Mithun also told that Ulema League will have to bear liability if idols are vandalized in any place of the country during the Durga Puja, the biggest religious festival of the Hindu community. He urged the government to take necessary steps against this organisation.  


Girl Child Advocacy Forum

A discussion on ‘Our Role in Preventing Child Marriage’ jointly organised by National Girl Child Advocacy Forum (NGCAF) and Plan International Bangladesh was held yesterday at Public Library Auditorium in Rangpur to observe the National Girl Child Day-2016. In the programme the speakers stressed to prevent the curse of child marriage for ensuring safety, security and equal rights of the girl child to turn them into worthy citizens for attaining sustainable national development.
They called for creating mass awareness in ensuring education, health care, safety and security of every girl child, preventing early marriage and violence against children to make them worthy citizens. The programme was addressed among others, by Additional Deputy Commissioner (General), Rangpur Dr ATM Mahbubul Karim. President of NGCAF Principal Fakhrul Anam Benzu presided over the discussion participated by girl students, teachers, activists of different NGOs, women and human rights workers, socio-cultural activists, professionals and civil society members.
