Organic clothing for readymade garments

Standard rules for organic clothing have been relaxed as per a news item in a national daily on Sunday and our industry leaders believe it will bring benefits to the country’s garments industry. The report said the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) International Working Group had modified a host of rules, giving textile manufacturers a larger choice of fabric mixes. As the worldwide demand for organic clothing is growing day by day, the changed rules for organic clothing have been welcomed in the country. 
Cotton is grown to produce clothing. Therefore, production of cotton without the use of chemicals has been a major issue which is related to good health . Since cotton is not a food crop, the pesticides, herbicides and chemicals used on it are not regulated. Use of such clothes made with conventional cotton is now considered a serious health hazard. The cotton crops account for $2.6 billion in pesticide used each year including 25 per cent of the world’s pesticides and 10 per cent of insecticides. Reports said for every one pair of jeans and t-shirt produced, 1 pound of pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used. During the conversion of conventional cotton into clothing, numerous toxic chemicals are added at each stage – harsh petroleum scours, softeners, brighteners, heavy metals, flame and soil retardants, ammonia and formaldehyde – to name just a few.
Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. Organic cotton does not use chemical pesticides and also requires significantly less carbon dioxide to be created during the growth of the crops, as well as using less water due to crop rotation being used to refresh the soil. Organic cotton is therefore more environment friendly than the conventional one. People choose organic items not just for their own health but also for the safety of their next generation, the society and the environment. Choosing organic is now a way of life for many people, and is a lifestyle that is quickly catching on in Western countries.
Now with relaxation of the standard rules for organic clothes, our garments manufacturer will be able to cope with the demand for organic clothing from their buyers. Previously the standard was set to ensure a minimum portion of 70 percent organic fiber and 30 percent non-organic fiber but a maximum of 10 percent conventional synthetic fibers. Now, it has been rationalized to a “regenerated, respective synthetic” fiber-up to 30 percent.
We share the view that organic fibers are considered a step towards natural living, both for our future generation as well as for the environment. Besides, the economic value of organic cotton should be evaluated for our garments sector. It is here to be noted that the international fashion brands have shifted very recently to Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) as it is less expensive than organic. So, our manufacturer should also think of BCI while paying attention to organic cotton. We must prepare our garments sector to cope with the newly emerged market-driven economic factors.