Contempt charge: Order on Adv Tajul, Jamaat leaders Mar 3

Staff Reporter :
The International Crimes Tribunal-1 on Monday fixed March 3 to pass its order on the contempt charge against five leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami and Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir and the defence counsel Advocate M Tajul Islam.
The tribunal headed by its Chairman Justice Enayetur Rahim set the date, rejecting the defence’s time prayer.  
The defence lawyer Advocate Gazi Tamim sought eight weeks time to
prepare their defence, but the tribunal turned down his plea and set the new date.
The other respondents to the charge are Acting Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Maqbul Ahmad, Acting Nayeb-e-Ameer Mujibur Rahman, Acting Secretary General Dr Shafiqur Rahman, President of Chhatra Shibir Abdul Jabbar Khan and General Secretary M Atiqur Rahman.
In the order, the tribunal told the defence counsel, if he is able to present his clients to the tribunal the next stipulated day (March 3), the defence can submit their arguments.
The prosecution moved the contempt charges against defence lawyer Advocate Tajul Islam and the five Jamaat-Shibir leaders for calling hartal after the verdict went against Jamaat leader ATM Azharul Islam and making comments on the tribunal’s verdict.
In reaction after the verdict against ATM Azharul Islam, the defence counsel Advocate Tajul Islam said the tribunal should have thrown the documents and evidences against the Jamaat leader to the dustbin for the sake of justice.
He also termed the verdict as the ‘eight wonder’ of the world indicating the prosecution’s documents and evidences as meaningless.