Online seminar on “Global Stability, Security and Prosperity after Covid-19” held at NDC


News Desk :

The National Defence College (NDC) organized a day-long online seminar on “Global Stability, Security and Prosperity after COVID-19” at the Mirpur Cantonment in Dhaka on Sunday.
Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen attended the seminar as chief guest.
Lieutenant General Ataul Hakim Sarwar Hasan, SBP, SGP, ndc, afwc, psc, PhD, Commandant, NDC inaugurated the online seminar at 10.00 am at the NDC. The seminar Session Chaired by Dr. Mohammed Farash Uddin, Chief Adviser, East West University and Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank; and moderated by Professor Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka. Major General Abul Hasnat Mohammad Khairul Bashar, BGBM, PBGM, ndc, afwc, psc was sponsor Senior Directing Staff of the seminar. Faculty Members of NDC, Eminent academia and personalities from both military and civil society, Course Members of National Defence Course and Armed Forces War Course 2020 attended the seminar.
The keynote paper on “The COVID-19 Crisis and its Implications for Global Security and Stability” was co-authored by Professor Joseph M Siracusa, Professor of Political History and International Security, Curtin University, Perth, Australia and Professor Shahab Enam Khan, Department of International Relations, Jahangirnagar University. Dr. Ahmed Mushtaque Raza Chowdhury, Columbia University, USA and Former Vice Chairperson of BRAC presented his keynote paper on “COVID-19 and the Future of Health Care” and Md Abul Kalam Azad, Special Envoy of the Climate Vulnerable Forum Presidency of Bangladesh, Former Principal Secretary & Principal Coordinator (SDG Cell) presented his keynote paper on “Challenges and Opportunities for Achieving SDGs during and after COVID-19: Policy Options for Bangladesh” during the online seminar. The discourse suggested thought-provoking ways forwarding regards to Global Stability, Security and Prosperity after COVID-19, which drew attention of the participants and deserves due consideration.
Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, in his closing address stated that historically the Bengali nation has fought every adversity and disaster with forbearance and fortitude. The father of the Bengali nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, taught us to stand firm against all odds and difficulties. Under his leadership, we defeated the oppressive Pakistani regime. And under the visionary leadership of Bangabandhu’s accomplished daughter, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, we are determined to defeat the pandemic.
He added the pandemic must be fought simultaneously at a global level with unprecedented international cooperation, with all countries on board. For that, we need determined national and global leadership. And we need solidarity- solidarity at the global level and on a national and local level. Most importantly, we need effective global institutions. The need for more robust multilateralism with the United Nations at the forefront and a stronger World Health Organization has never been greater. We need to ensure universal, equitable, timely, and affordable access to vaccines for all, with no one left behind.
The Minister emphasised that the world must treat the Covid-19 vaccine as a ‘global public good’. We must recognize that the COVID-19 can never be brought under control in one place unless it is brought under control everywhere. Developing countries must receive the transfer of vaccine technology and IP rights waver afforded under the TRIPS Agreement. All of us- the UN, International Financial Institutions, civil society alongside the national governments must walk together in collaboration and partnership and actively cooperate with each other to fortify us against our common enemy-the COVID-19.
He opined to create examples or models so that family members, neighbours and friends, community and nation can be proud of us. He appreciated NDC for taking the initiative of organising an online seminar on such an important contemporary issue of the country.
