One to die for murder in Netrakona


UNB, Netrakona :
A court here on Monday sentenced a man to death and two others to life term imprisonment for killing a man in Atapara upazila of the district in 2013.
The condemned convict is Nurul Amin, 31, son of Sulto Kha of Rupchandrapur village in Atapara upazila of district. The court also fined him Tk 20,000.
The lifers are Toufiq, 27, son of late Abdul Hamid Kha and Al Amin, son of Sulto Kha of the village. The court also fined them Tk 50,000 each, in default, to suffer three-months imprisonment.
The court also sentenced three other accused to one year imprisonment each and acquitted three other accused.
According to prosecution, Abdul Latif, 48, son of Turap Ali of the village, was killed by the convicts on June 16, 2013.
