One mistake can change poll results, warns CEC


Staff Reporter :
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) KM Nurul Huda on Wednesday urged the election officials to take care of counting ballots so that accurate results can be declared to save the commission image. The officials must guard against mistakes because one mistake can change the results.
“We are overwhelmed by the people’s interest in the election. As such, we have to be cautious that their trust and the interest of the people are not affected at all,” he said.
“Be careful so that not a single mistake can occur-neither in vote counting nor in the announcement of results,” the CEC told the election officials.
Nurul Huda gave the directives while speaking at a training session of the officials on Election Management System (EMS), Candidate Information Management System (CIMS) and Result Management System (RMS) at Nirbachan Bhaban in the capital in the morning.”You’ve to be properly trained that no mistake takes place while performing your duties flawlessly, as just one mistake can create a big disorder,” Nurul Huda warned.
The CEC went on to say, “Don’t allow one mistake to thwart the election process. Technical persons are very important in the election process as results from all the polling centres in the country will come through the software. If there’s any fault, the election results might be altered,” he added.
“You’ve to apply your full capacity and merit and work hard to ensure a fair election,” he urged the officials.
The CEC said, the commission is amazed to see the public interest in the election and the festive mood prevailing across the country.
“We’ve to remain alert so that the interest and confidence of people are not affected by our mistakes.”
“Mistakes by executive magistrates are manageable. They don’t cause any major harm, but a simple mistake in the result announcement can lead to chaos. That’s why you all have to be more cautious and announce accurate results.”
