One killed in Kashmir ‘militant’ attack


BBC Online :
Suspected militants in Indian army uniforms have killed one person and attacked an army camp in Indian-administered Kashmir, police say.
Three men stopped a vehicle in Kathua district and shot at the passengers, killing one of them.
The men then drove off with the vehicle and attacked an army camp, where a gun battle with security forces followed.
Thousands of people have been killed in Kashmir since an anti-India uprising began in 1989.
In recent years violence has abated from its peak in the 1990s, but the causes of the insurgency are still far from resolved.
Friday morning’s incident happened a day after the main opposition BJP leader and prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi visited Kathua – a garrison town bordering Pakistan – and addressed a campaign rally ahead of next month’s general election.
Three suspected militants wearing army uniforms stopped a sports utility vehicle, forced out four passengers and shot at them.
