Gas cylinder blast: One among 3 succumbs to injuries

A one and a half year old child among three was critically injured in gas cylinder blasts at kitchen room in city's Kamrangirchar area on Saturday.
A one and a half year old child among three was critically injured in gas cylinder blasts at kitchen room in city's Kamrangirchar area on Saturday.

Staff Reporter :
Three members of a family including a minor child were burnt in an explosion of a gas cylinder in the city’s Kamrangirchar on Saturday. Of the three one succumbed to her injuries minutes after admission into the burn unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH). The victim was identified as Aklima Begum(45).
Two others admitted with serious burn injuries are: Akilma’s daughter Joly Akhter, (20), and her one year old son Alif.
A gas cylinder exploded at their house at around
11AM on the day. All the three injured were at once rushed to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH).
Dr. Partha Shankar of the Burn Unit of DMCH said Aklima suffered 65 percent burns on her body. The condition of Jolly and Alif was stated to be critical.
