Old man killed, 4 injured over land dispute in Mithamoin

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
An old man was killed and his 4 sons were injured by his brother’s son at Shampur village in Gupdighi Union under Mithamoin Upazila of Kishoreganj District on Thursday over family feud and land dispute.
The victim had been identified as Abdus Sattar Fakir (77) a farmer of Shampur Village in Gupdighi Union of Mithamon Upazila.
 Injured person were identified as Kasham Mia (40), Helim (25), Motin Mia (30) and Kanthu Mia (36). They were admitted to Mithamoin Health Complex.
On information, Additional Police Super Liton Kumer Saha visited the spot and brought situation under control .
The dead body was sent to Kishoreganj Modern Hospital morgue for autopsy.