Old Dhaka explosions and ASI murder at Gabtoli linked, says Bangladesh Police chief


The explosions at the Shia gathering in Old Dhaka and murder of a police officer at Gabtoli are linked, says Bangladesh police chief AKM Shahidul Hoque. The Inspector General of Police (IGP) said on Saturday that the bombs used in Old Dhaka resembles the one recovered from a suspect now questioned over the policeman’s murder at the capital’s Gabtoli. Three explosions at a gathering of Shia Muslims outside the Hossaini Dalan past Friday midnight left one dead and at least 80 injured. On Thursday night, an assistant sub inspector (ASI) was stabbed to death at a check post in Dhaka’s Gabtoli. The assailant fled but police arrested a man who was with him. Police have arrested another three over the killing. IGP Hoque went to the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital on Saturday to visit the Old Dhaka blasts victims. Speaking to reporters, he said that the bomb recovered from Kamrangirchar on information provided by the suspect arrested over the ASI’s murder was similar to those used in the attack in Old Dhaka. He said both the incidents were ‘planned well ahead’ by ‘those trying to create instability’ in the country. –bdnews24.com
