Obama’s Syria policy giving rise to new Hitlers


The Syrian Civil War is a war now taking place in Syria Protests began on PS January 200. Mass protests erupted on is March in Damascals and Aleppo, audio following days spread to more cities; that week is consid¬ered the beginning of the Syrian uprising. By July 2012, the International Committee of the Red Cito. judgedthe fighting in Syria so widespr.d that the conflict should he con¬sidered a civil wm. ourview what President Assad is guilty of is hciocaust. But to Americans and other Western counties, only when the Jews are massacred then it is holocaust, but not when the Muslim suffer such tragic imindity. lu pots, Hezhollah entered the war in support of the Syrian army. The Synan go. emment is further upheld by military sup¬por from om Russia, which it stepped up in the winter of 2013-M, and Iran, while Qatar, Saudi Azahia,Thrkey, and the United States. She severity of the humanitarian disaster in Syria hasheen o.tinedbyMM and mmy in¬ternational organibations. More than four million Synans have heen displaced, more than three million Syrians fled the cowy and became refuge., and millions mom wereleftin poor living conditions with short¬age of food and drinking water.Themternational response to the conflict has been descnbed as a proxy war due to the nature of this involve¬ment. ‘No rounds of talkshave taken place- with theprospect of a third round in the future. Yet none of these have failed to make any headway- over four million Syrians are still dis¬placed, three million are refugees, and over two hundred thousand Syrians have dial since the conflict started By all accounts these are staggering numbers -for a count, of only fourteen million people. The butchery of the Syrian govem¬meat makes the situation similar to the Holocaust where more than six million Jews died. But the international com¬munitycontinues to use proxies in the war without caring for the final numbers of losses interms oflims Muslims. This situation is clearly intolerable – yet the West and the US—the leader of the free world, have not engaged in any meaningful action to bring this crisis to an end. Them was hope – briefly, for a military action by the US but President Obama letdown thefneworld by not going through with the assault. it is unconscionable that the nation widely consid¬ered as the leader of the free world would not go through with any meaningful steps to bring dosms the despotic gov¬ernment of Assad and his cronies who continue to torture and butcher their own people. We eall °pont’. Western counties and the US in par¬ticular under the leadership of President Obama to take meaningful stepstoensurethat thecurrent dreadful stale¬mate does not continue long and to establish – by force, if necessary, the foundations for a government which is acceptable to all Syrians and respecter of human rights. If the USA is not willing to fight for human lights, then the world Mll have new Hitters like President Assad. Con¬demning holocaust of Jews will appear hypocritical.
