Obama accuses 2016 candidates of talking down America

AFP, Washington :
US President Barack Obama waded deeper into the 2016 president race Wednesday, accusing Republican candidates of “talking down America.”
During a speech designed to counter notions that the economy is still struggling seven years after the Great Recession, Obama suggested Republicans were painting an overly gloomy picture.
“There is nothing particularly patriotic or American about talking down America,” Obama said in barbed remarks that also featured a direct swipe at Donald Trump — who has campaigned to “make America great again.”
“Despite the perennial doom and gloom that I guess is inevitably part of a presidential campaign, America is winning right now. America is great right now,” he said sharply.
Seven years after Lehman Brothers was liquidated, Obama pointed to record corporate profits, growing manufacturing and an extended equities bull market as evidence the recovery has taken hold.
“You wouldn’t know of this if you were listening to the folks who are seeking this office that I occupy.”