Nutritional problem for the newborn babies

A HIGHLY disturbing picture of the country’s nutrition situation has been unveiled in a recently prepared draft of second national nutrition work-plan (2016-2025) mainly highlighting the poor nutrition status of under weight babies.

The document said that 23 per cent newborn babies are underweight in the country. 18 per cent pregnant women are victim of malnutrition. It also said among the babies under five years age 36 per cent are below normal height, 14 per cent are lean and thin and 32 per cent are underweight. The UN sponsored Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) calls for reducing malnutrition by 27 per cent within 2025. According to media report if the present trend continues, it will be hard to achieve the goal.


The work-plan document shows malnutrition situation varies from region to region. Coastal districts, haor areas and overall rural part of the country are suffering more than the urban areas in general. But slum-dwellers of the cities and towns are the worst sufferers. 50 per cent babies of the slum areas are below normal height. 75 per cent infants in slum area do not get proper feeding. All these reflect that overall health situation of the kids in our country is not satisfactory.

It is true that as a nation Bangladeshis never had strong health. But after 46 years of independence the situation should have been better. According to Health Ministry source, per head daily intake of calories have been increasing. Protin, specially fish consumption also have been increasing. But these are still far behind the standard international level. So, it is an urgent task to reduce the level of malnutrition, particularly among the infants.
