Nurul Absar Chy alias Pakhi chairman laid to rest

Chittagong Bureau :
Noted social and political personality of Fatikchari upazila in chittagong laid to rest at his family graveyard on Wednesday evening.
 His first namaje janeza was held at Fatikchari Coronation High school ground in Upazila Sadar and the second one held at family mosque premises beside graveyard in the evening. Mentionable that Pakhi chairman expires at a hospital in Bangalore, India on July 31 last under cardiatic treatment and was brought in Chittagong on Wednesday early morning. Pakhi chairman was the former chairman of Rangamati UP of Fatikchari upazila for about 18 years and ex-founder Convener of Upzila BNP.
He was former President of Fatikcharri Coronation High school managing committee, President of Narayanhat Model degree college, and 7 times elected chairman Fatikchari Upazila Central Cooperative Society Ltd and Advisor of Fatikchari Degree College and Fatikchari Gousia committee.