NRC issue Dhaka has trust in Delhi’s assurance, says Momen


Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Tuesday ruled out again any concern for Bangladesh over National Registration of Citizens (NRC) issue saying Bangladesh believes in India’s assurance.
“NRC is an internal matter of India and it’ll in no way affect Bangladesh,” Dr Momen told reporters after attending a function in the city referring to India’s repeated commitments and assurances to Bangladesh over the issue.
When a reporter wanted to know about the entry of
some people into Bangladesh, the Foreign Minister said he is seeing some media reports but he does not know anything officially about it. “I don’t understand what’s the panic….”
He said that, it will not be wise for him to make any comment unless he comes to know about it officially.
Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) detained 32 people while entering Bangladesh from India through Doulatpur border in Benapole, Jashore early Sunday.
The detained people include 13 women and two children.
Acting on a tip off that a large number of people will intrude the country from India, BGB conducted a drive and detained them from a mango orchard, said BGB 49 commander Mozammel Hossain.
Dr Momen said, there are issues among neighbouring countries in other parts of the world and there are some minor issues with India but major ones were resolved in a very mature way.
