Commentary: Not just question papers, whole government is leaking


Anarchy and lawlessness are spiralling all over and in most cases they are politically protected and sheltered crime putting the law and order situation to a total breaking point.
At the peak festival moment of Eid-ul-Azha cattle traders are falling victims of hijacking of their herds this time in the hands of muggers and ruling party men in the city and on roads and highways.
Police and law enforcers claim they are on high alert to give protection to traders and cattle markets and yet muggers are at large to go away with their spoil. Reports in a national daily on Tuesday said muggers had forced a cattle-loaded truck from Tongi-Gazipur road to unload the animal at an authorized hastily set up market at the back of Tongi Railway Station in an area infested by drug addicts. Who are the brave muggers who do not have to take account of the police.
Other truckers hastily vacated the road to safety. The officer-in-charge of the local police station was reluctant to intervene saying this market is not included in the list of markets of City Corporation he has received. But the truth is that some local Awami League leaders and their cadres are resorting force on traders to make illegal fortune and they remained politically protected.
Muggers known as political activist of the government, decamped with a cattle-loaded truck from Manik Mia Avenue in the city heart on Friday night and although police later recovered the truck in the city suburb, cattle remained untraced. Another report yesterday said five cattle traders were hospitalized at Natore after eating poisonous food. Muggers are at large everywhere.
`Miscreants’ attempted to hijack a female witness of Raqib murder case yesterday — a teenage boy who was tortured to death in Khulna last month — when she went to the court to make deposition in the case. Muggers identified them as policemen. Reports of such incidents are pouring in from all over the country on daily basis.
In the academic front, no sooner had the turmoil in private varsities ended with withdrawal of VAT on students tuition fees last week, leakage of question papers of admission test to medical colleges forced thousands of students to take to the streets this time demanding fresh test. They want that selection must be on the basis of students’ merit in a truly held competitive exam.
The questions of the admission test were available in social media in the evening before the exams were held and the hastily published results showed the government was nervous and wanted to cover up it.
It was a hybrid test in which the highest scores by a student was reported 198.8 out of 200 marks and the lowest score at 176. A total of 48,000 passed the exams out of over 84,000 against 5000 seats in public medical colleges and 6000 in private medical institutions. What is surprising is that police battoned the protesting students and broke their human chain to foil movement for fresh admission test while the government remained defiant to accept their demand.
But senior academics feel bewildered at the scale of the leakage and many of them recommended that one way of stopping the leakage may be by withdrawing printing of questions from the BG Press. One academic writing on the social media wondered what future these medical students will have even if they become physicians. They will not make better physicians than what the real meritorious students could.
The arrest of an officer of University Grants Commission (UGC) and recovery of question papers and over two dozens answer sheets of judicial officers showed how the whole government is operating with no control over its own administration. No amount of bill boards will hide lies supplied by self-seeking bureaucrats.
