Not good exam results, CCC wants to create enlightened man

Chattogram Bureau :
Chsattogram City Mayor of Chattogram Port city AJM Nasir Uddin said the main goal of the city corporation run educational institutions is to create lightened man rather good results in exams only.
 He disclosed it while addressing the press meet of the CCC held at KB Abdus Sattar Road yesterday evening .
The press so arranged in observance of the fourth anniversary of CCC Education, Health, Family Planning & Health Safety Standing Committee .
City Mayor said , beside the curriculum, our educational institutions imbue the students on literacy, cultural activities a nd sports He also confirmed the standard of educations in city corporation school and college than earlier and this quality will rise up gradually in coming days. He further said to increase the future quality education, CCC is going to engage the quality and knowledge enriched teachers in the school and colleges in future.
 City Mayor refuted the illogical comments over CCC run educational institutions. He further mentioned that since my assumption as Mayor, the number of institutions rises to 90 and the subsidy to these institutions downed to 36 crores from 43 crores before my take over.
In a written statement Chief Education officer Sumon Barua said CCC at present running 48 secondary schools, 23 college, one university, 1 fullfledged computer institute, 5 computer college, 7 kinder garten, 2 primary schools, 350 forkania madraha, 9 mosque, 4 sanskrit toll, 1 teachers training college, one threatre institute and one public library.