North Korean Ambassador meets DU VC


Ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) to Bangladesh Ri Song Hyon met Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman at his office on Wednesday.
Ri Song Hyon was accompanied by Pak Kyong Chol, Counselor of the embassy, a DU press release said.
During the meeting, they stressed strengthening academic and cultural exchange programmes between Dhaka University and different universities of North Korea aiming to enhance bilateral relationship.
The North Korean envoy sought cooperation from the DU VC to get opportunities for admission into Bengali Language Course at the Institute of Modern Languages (IML) of the university for their officials.
The DU VC assured the envoy of providing all possible cooperation in this regard.
Prof Akhtaruzzaman underscored the need for development of language proficiency and communication skills to strengthen friendly ties among the people of the two countries.
The envoy handed over an invitation letter to the DU VC for attending an
academic conference to be held in North Korea in September next.
