‘None can ensure governance in stock market alone’


Business Desk :
No one would be able to bring governance to the stock market unless the whole environment is cooperative, said Prof Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam, chairman of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).
Investors should gather knowledge, people should be aware and all intermediaries should work together to ensure governance, he said while speaking at a discussion titled “CMJF Talk” organised by the Capital Market Journalists’ Forum (CMJF) at its office in Dhaka on Sunday.
“Until all things harmonise, no one will be able to do this sitting in the chair,” he added.
Responding to a query, Islam said the BSEC does not want to intervene in index movement by imposing a floor price. But it has imposed the floor price since investors are continuously losing money.
On Thursday, the commission re-introduced the floor price.
The BSEC put in place such a regulatory measure for the first time in March 2020 to stop the free fall of stocks amid the onslaught of Covid-19. Later, it lifted the floor price in phases as virus receded.
