No unprofessional drivers on road during Eid: Asad

Staff Reporter :
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Sunday warned that unprofessional drivers would not be allowed to drive vehicles on road during Eid-ul-Fitr.
“Police patrol will keep vigil on the highways so
that no unskilled driver can sit behind the steering. License of the vehicles will be examined also,” said the minister
Giving emphasis on strengthening security during Eid holidays, the minister said, “Block raids’ will be launched in different towns while check posts will be set up at the entrance and exit point of Dhaka.
“Garment owners will declare holidays in the factories in phases to ease traffic congestion,” said the Home boss urging the owners to pay workers’ salaries and allowances in time..
He also warned that necessary actions would be taken if launches, trains and buses carry excessive passengers.