No Rohingya returned from KSA: FM

Diplomatic Correspondent :
No Rohingya has returned to Bangladesh from Saudi Arabia or any other country very recently nor travelled abroad with Bangladeshi passport, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said on Wednesday.
The minister said it at the inaugural function of
 BIMSTEC Traditional Healthcare Expo-2020 at the International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB).
Dhaka has not been officially informed about this neither by the Bangladesh embassy nor by the Saudi government, said the Foreign Minister.
The minister mentioned that many expatriates in Saudi Arabia are Bangladeshis without jobs.
“There are many Bangladeshi expatriates, in Saudi Arabia, who have no jobs. Their economic situation is not going well and it is natural if you have no work, you will come home,” he said.
Besides, the Foreign Minister said BIMSTEC is now one of the most important regional forums. “It was Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who had been at the helm of Bangladesh Government during the time of the birth of BIMSTEC regional forum back in 1997.”
Public Health is one of the core areas among the 14 sectors of cooperation under BIMSTEC.
Dr Momen said, the two-day event and the sideline brain storming sessions will facilitate a comprehensive series of debates and deliberations on all relevant aspects and issues related to problems and prospects of Traditional Medicine and its role in Public Health cooperation among BIMSTEC member states and they will find out suitable recommendations for the policymakers. AFM Fakhrul Islam Munshi, Chief Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of BIMSTEC Traditional Healthcare Expo-2020, ABM Ghulam Mostafa, President of Bangladesh Ayurved Foundation, M Shahidul Islam, Secretary General of BIMSTEC, Riva Ganguly Das, High Commissioner of India, Dr A Roghu, Joint Adviser of Ministry of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AUSH) of Indian Government, Rajeev Singh, Director General of Indian Chamber of Commerce, ambassadors and high commissioners in Dhaka from the BIMSTEC member states were present.
