No negotiation but fight Taliban the Taliban way


Russia will organise an international conference on Afghanistan in Moscow on October 20. Moscow is going to invite representatives of the Taliban, President Vladimir Putin’s special representative on Afghanistan said on Thursday. It is not the first time that Moscow is going to host an international conference on Afghanistan. In last March, Russia hosted a peace conference between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Moscow where the US, China and Pakistan took part with a joint call on the then warring Afghan sides to reach a peace deal. The conference was held against the backdrop of stalemate in negotiations between the then Afghan government and the Taliban in Qatar’s capital Doha. Turkey was also trying to hold another conference on Afghan peace. So, the situation was delicate.

 A Taliban delegation went to Moscow on July 9 to inform the Putin government that over 85% of Afghanistan’s territory was captured. The question was what NATO forces under US leadership were doing to make the Taliban strong. It is our earnest desire that the present US President Joe Biden will keep his promise of fighting for human rights honestly and sincerely. He is being condemned by his own people for his decision to withdraw the soldiers from Afghanistan leaving the people to be killed and brutalised. The Afghan women are most vulnerable in the hands terrorist Taliban. They are hiding to remain alive. America has to forget their policy of raising hope and run away to save themselves from the enemies they went to fight. The locals are left be butchered for cooperating with Americans in good faith. Betrayal with Afghan people is unforgivable.

It is unimaginable that a super power like the USA was so ill-prepared to contain the Taliban. We expect the US leaders to learn from their mistakes and show their strength and willingness to fight Taliban sensibly to its end following the Taliban way. Annihilation against annihilation. Only that way they will change. Taliban must not treat their women as if their lives have no value and they have no dignity to live their way unimpeded by men. The Americans must continue the fight against the Taliban sensibly from outside. Negotiation with Taliban emboldens them. America must know that they are losing trust internationally. They can regain it not by more fire power but by their power to uphold and fight for human rights. The USA has to keep its commitment to Afghan people the other way. America has to establish nobility of its power for the good of the world.
