No credible polls possible under AL Govt: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Accusing the ruling party of indulging in ‘massive vote rigging’ in Faridpur and Chandpur municipality polls held on Sunday, the BNP-led 20-party alliance on Monday claimed that it has once again proved that no fair and credible elections can be held under the current government.
In a statement, BNP joint secretary general Barkatullah Bulu, on behalf of the alliance, also alleged that the harassment of opposition leaders and activists through false and politically motivated cases and intimidation by ministers and top officials of the law enforcers are a threat to their free movement and electioneering in three city corporations making the polls atmosphere appalling and biased one.
“Another instance was found in yesterday’s (Sunday’s) polls in Faridpur and Chandpur municipalities that no election can be free, fair and impartial under the current illegal government,” the statement said.
It continued, “The ruling party cadres have indulged in the grand festival of vote rigging by capturing polling stations, snaching ballot papers and openly stamping ballots in the elections.”
The 20-party said through the two local body polls the nation has once again witnessed how ‘expert Awami League is in rigging vote, snatching people’s voting rights and flexing its muscle by resorting to terror acts’.
“We’ve repeatedly said a fair, neutral and acceptable election can never be expected
from this regime that got isolated from people. That’s why, the 20-party has continued its movement together with people to establish their voting rights,” the BNP alliance said justifying their ongoing movement.
The 20-party also alleged that though the ruling party backed candidates are carrying out electioneering by breaching the election code of conduct in the three city polls in Dhaka and Chittagong, the Election Commission is not taking any visible action against them.
It also said the ‘opposition’-blessed candidates are not getting the minimum chance to conduct election campaign as per the election code of conduct.
“The 20-party and the country’s people expect the Election Commission to take necessary steps to ensure free, fair and imperatorial elections to the three city corporations,” it said warning that people will never forgive the government and its ‘puppet Election Commission’ if they indulge in manipulation in the city polls.