No change in VAS revenue sharing until new guideline


Economic Reporter :
Until the finalization of Value Added Services (VAS) guideline, the cellular phone operators in the country could not change the revenue sharing with the third party VAS providers.
The government is going to issue a directive to maintain status quo on VAS revenue sharing against the backdrop of drastic reduction of revenue sharing by the cellular phone operators.
Talking to The New Nation, State Minister for Posts and Telecommunications Tarana Halim on Tuesday said the VAS Guideline has been posted on the website seeking public opinion for finalization.
But, few operators have taken a move to reduce the revenue sharing with the VAS providers which is acceptable, she said, adding: “to stop the move of revenue sharing reduction, I will ask the telecom regular to issue a directive for marinating ‘status quo’ on it until the finalization of guideline.”
Third party VAS providers alleged that market leader Grameenphone has issued letter to them saying it will reduce the revenue sharing to 30 percent from the existing 50 percent. If they (third party) do not agree with the condition, it would not renew the agreement, they said.
Followed by Grameenphone, another operator Robi has moved to trim revenue sharing to 25 percent from existing nearly 35 percent. Airtel has also stepped up to cut revenue sharing, added the VAS providers.
The telecom regulator – – Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) released draft guidelines last month for “Telecom Value Added Services, 2016” seeking opinion from public and stakeholders to finalize it.
