NKorea threatens to beef up military capability

AP, Seoul :
North Korea threatened Thursday to bolster its war capability and conduct a fourth nuclear test to cope with what it calls U.S. hostility that led to the approval of a landmark U.N. resolution on its human rights violations.
A U.N. committee on Tuesday adopted the resolution urging the Security Council to refer the North’s rights situation to the International Criminal Court. It’s the first time a U.N. resolution included the idea that the North’s absolute leader Kim Jong Un could be targeted by prosecutors. Before the U.N. vote, a North Korean envoy threatened a nuclear test.
On Thursday, Pyongyang’s Foreign Ministry called the resolution’s approval a “grave political provocation,” saying it was orchestrated by the U.S. though it was drafted by the European Union and Japan.
An unidentified ministry spokesman told state media that the North’s war deterrence will be strengthened in an “unlimited manner” to cope with U.S. hostility, which is “compelling us not to refrain from conducting a new nuclear test any longer.” His comments on the nuclear test were near identical to what Choe Myong Nam, a foreign ministry adviser for U.N. and human rights issues, said at the U.N.