NITUB training at HSTU

Campus Report :
The 71st Training programme of Network of Instrument Technical personal and User scientists of Bangladesh (NITUB) started at Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU) on Saturday. The 6 day long training programme was inaugurated at auditorim-2 at around 11 am with the help of Planing, Development and Works section of HSTU, NITUB arranged the training programme. HSTU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr M Abul Kashem was the chief guest while NITUB General Secretery Prof. Altaf Hussain was special guest in the programme. Present of NITUB Prof Mesbahuddin Ahmed chaired in it. HSTU VC said in his speech, I hope after completing this training all disabled equipments if the University will be able to use. HSTU Treasurer Prof Dr Bidhan Chandra Halder, Registrar Prof Dr M Shafiul Alam, Director of Student Affairs and Advisory section Prof Dr M Tariqul Islam were present in the programme.
Lab technicians of different departments of HSTU are participating in the training programme.