News in brief

Germany calls on mosques to prevent extremism
AP, Berlin
Germany’s commissioner for immigration, refugees and integration is calling on mosques across the country to be more pro-active when it comes to preventing extremism among Muslim youths.
Aydan Ozoguz said in an interview Thursday with the daily Heilbronner Stimme: “We need to hold mosques more responsible when it comes to prevention among teenagers.”

Indonesia rejects int’l pleas to halt executions
AFP, Cilacap (Indonesia)
Indonesia Thursday rejected appeals from the UN and EU to halt the execution of 14 drug convicts including foreigners, as speculation mounted they could face the firing squad in a matter of hours.
The group, including foreigners from Nigeria, Pakistan, India and Zimbabwe as well as Indonesians, have been placed in isolation on a prison island where Jakarta carries out executions.


Indonesia rebuffs UN, EU appeals to halt executions
AP, Cilacap
Indonesia quickly rebuffed appeals from the UN human rights Chief and the European Union to abandon plans to execute 14 people for drug crimes as preparations intensified today at the prison island where the death row inmates are held.
High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said the UN Human Rights Office is “deeply concerned” by death penalty cases that lack transparency and compliance with the right to receive a fair trial, including the right to an appeal.

N Korean seeks refuge in
S Korean consulate
Reuters, Hong Kong
Security was tightened at the South Korean consulate in Hong Kong on Thursday after media reports that a North Korean, possibly a student, had sought refuge there.
The North Korean is understood to be a member of a delegation that attended an ­academic competition at a Hong Kong university two weeks ago, the South China Morning Post said, citing government sources in the Chinese-ruled city.
Other media said the North Korean was an 18-year-old student who was attending a mathematics competition and was from a family with a military background.
