News In Brief

OIC nations block gay groups from UN AIDS confce
AP, United Nations
Major Western nations are protesting a move to block gay and transgender groups from attending a high-level United Nations conference on AIDS.
A letter from Egypt on behalf of 51 countries in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) asked that 11 organisations not be allowed to attend the conference next month. The letter, dated April 26 and obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, gives no reason for the objections.

Syrian forces seize town near Damascus
Reuters, Beirut
Syrian government forces and allies including Lebanese Hezbollah fighters seized a strategic town southeast of Damascus from insurgents on Thursday, a monitoring group said.
After heavy fighting in an assault by the government side, rebels were being driven out of the town of Deir al-Asafir in the Syrian capital’s Eastern Ghouta suburbs, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Israel tests missile defence system
AFP, Jerusalem
Israel has tested a maritime missile interception system dubbed the Iron Dome of the Sea, the military announced on Wednesday.
The system, which the military said can shoot down short-range rockets similar to those fired from Gaza, successfully destroyed “several” missiles, Ariel Shir, head of operational systems in the navy, said.
He said the test, which took place two weeks ago, “proved the Israeli navy’s ability to protect Israel’s strategic assets at sea against short-range ballistic rockets”.
