News In Brief


Conference for Acid survivors held
Narsingdi Correspondent
A daylong district conference for Acid Survivors was held at the conference room of Deputy Commissioner recently. Poverty Alleviation through Participatory Rural Initiatives (PAPRI) a local non government organization with the assistant of Acid Survivors Foundation organised the conference. Deputy Commissioner of Narsingdi Obaidul Azam attended the conference as chief guest with Executive Director of PAPRI Abu Based in the chair .The Executive Director delivered the welcome speech. In his speech he said acid throwing is the worst kind of crime . He urged all to come for helping the acid survivors and for stopping the acid violence from the society.Deputy Commissioner Obaidul Azam in his speech said, Narsingdi is a industrial area and the industries use the acid without any restriction . This make the areas very much risky for acid violence as the acid terrorist can easily collect the acid from the local industries. He said that he feeling grieved among the acid survivors as there are 123 acid survivors in Narsingdi district. This is disappointing for him..The Deputy Commissioner assurance the acid survivors that the District administration always with them.He said this a duty for us to bring the acid criminals for justice and make sure their punishment. He also giving hope them for possible help. He said one Elasi
