News in brief


South Korea summons Russian officials over air zone incursion
Reuters, Seoul
South Korea summoned a Russian embassy official on Saturday to express “regrets” about the incursion of two Russian military aircraft into South Korea’s air defense identification zone and to urge that it not be repeated.
South Korea said on Friday it had scrambled military aircraft to intercept two Russian bomber jets that flew into its air defense identification zone (KADIZ) four times that day.

Two dead in Nicaragua protest violence
AFP, Managua
Nicaraguan forces on Friday attacked a university in the capital Managua and a neighborhood in opposition bastion Masaya, killing two in the latest violence to convulse the Central American country hit by months of unrest.
Political tensions have soared since protests against a now-aborted pension reform began on April 18 and mushroomed into general opposition to President Daniel Ortega and his government.


Turkey state of emergency to end on July 18
AFP, Ankara
Turkey will next week lift the state of emergency introduced after a failed 2016 coup and which granted the government greater powers to detain suspects, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Friday. “The current state of emergency is coming to an end on the night of July 18. Mr President has the will… not to extend it,” Kalin told reporters after the first cabinet meeting since Erdogan’s outright election victory in elections last month.

Israeli war jets strike on Gaza military facilities
Xinhua, Gaza
Israeli army war jets and drones carried out early on Saturday three successive airstrikes on Hamas military facilities in central and northern Gaza Strip with no injuries reported, local media and security sources in Gaza said.
Local media in Gaza city reported that while Israeli war jet and drones had been hovering over Gaza and firing missiles at military facilities, Gaza gunmen fired three makeshift rockets into southern Israel.
